Immediate Answers

How much time does your organization spend on contract review? If it's around 25%, you have a great opportunity to improve efficiency and stay ahead of your competitors. Just as we've transitioned from abacuses to Excel, modern tools can significantly reduce the time spent searching for information. Enhance your productivity today!

Diligence Module

Contract Q/A

Is curtailment compensated?

Q&A with your contracts

For deep contract investigative dives.

Specific profiles

The more information we provide the AI about you, the better results you will get.

Summary Module

+30 types of documents

We will work with you to build the best prompting modules to work across the following documents:


Deploy agents across multiple documents for quick answers to tough questions.

A thought model for every renewable energy document

Allows you to have continuous updates.


The Summary Module is integrated with the Diligence Module, so if you have iterative questions you can continue to ask iteratively about it.

Get a high-level snapshot of concepts, for quick summaries. The Summary Module contains thought-models for specific document types, such as PPAs, leases, LGIAs, ISO tariffs, O&M, Equipment Supply, LLC, and so much more.

Fully Customizable

For when you have a specific need


Design your perfect agent.

An agent for every situation

Provides the most relevant content in a comprehensive manor.

Examples of available agents

What if you need to gain a quick snapshot of your PPA's pricing section, or want to deep dive into 20 lease's termination clauses? The Summary agent is perfect for when you need a quick summary of generalized information. Design your perfect agent.

Say for example you wanted a quick understanding of how your PPA settles, deploy the Financial Overview agent and get information on pricing, escalation, curtailment, and non-performance. What is an agent? It's a bundle of questions designed to reduce your Q&A and educate you about your topic. Rarely do we only ask one question when consulting a contract. Often times we have iterative questions that logically follow one another. For example, if I have a Force Majeure event I will want to qualify if the event, understand the risk of contract termination, and the penalties associated with it. That's why an agent is particularly useful.


Conduct a meticulous analysis of every paragraph within your contracts, ensuring no detail is overlooked. It identifies and extracts a variety of crucial elements, including:


Continuously monitor all 7 ISO's, FERC, and PUC tariffs, BPMs, and more

Demo ContractPower Today

Stop reading your contracts, Start knowing them 75% faster